Dating Advice

When dating, these are five signs that a man is interested in you.

Are you worried about whether your man likes you more than a friend or not?

In this blog, I’ll share 5 clear signs that show he really likes you when you’re dating. No doubt!

But here’s the catch, dear reader…

Men who are strong and caring won’t make you feel confused or unsure when you’re dating. He won’t leave you waiting or feeling uneasy, wondering if he really likes you or not.

He’ll ensure you feel secure and let you know he’s genuinely interested.

Let’s say your dad wasn’t very close or not really open with his feelings for you, it might be tough for you to notice when a masculine man likes you.

Maybe you’re used to trying really hard for a guy who’s not really there for you. You might not notice the nice guys who could treat you better.

If you feel this is you, I suggest recognizing the qualities of strong and confident energy for a better way of dating. This way, you can attract a good, emotionally open man.

Moving on to the 5 signs that a masculine energy man likes you.

My experience has taught me that guys who are open with their feelings and in good emotional shape show a steady way of behaving. regardless of whether they’re on a first date or chatting online.

When a strong and caring man likes you, he won’t…

Play mind hide and seek game with you.

Ask for late-night explicit photos to satisfy his sexual desires.

Be just your texting friend on dating apps, WhatsApp, and Messenger.

Send you endless messages, generic greetings, and constant inquiries about your personal life without offering you any real benefits.

Instead, he will make you feel safe and confident. He talks openly about his feelings and plans, so you don’t feel confused or unsure.

He actively shows interest in you and wants to get to know you better!

Check out these 5 signs that a healthy masculine energy man is really interested in you and is serious about being with you.

Sign #1 that a masculine energy man likes you when dating is that he keeps wanting to spend time with you in person.

These types of men are all about making things special.

Whether it’s planning a nice date or genuinely caring about your life, they go beyond just texting.

They’re excited to be with you in person and they’ll make it clear by coming to you.

They’ll want to meet you, play with your hair, smell your perfume, and hear your voice in person.

Sign #2 that a masculine energy man likes you when dating is that he’s open to you checking him out.

See, these types of men just gets it. 

I mean, they understand that attractive women have many options and limited time. 

So, it’s okay to ask about what they do because it helps you understand their life, including how much they earn.

And you know what?

Masculine energy men don’t mind this kind of conversation.

They’re also willing to share what they want in a relationship. 

I always suggest my coaching clients ask these questions on the first date or even when using dating apps.

Most men, if they have good intentions, will be honest about what they’re looking for.

Sign #3 that a masculine energy man likes you when dating is by respecting your sexual boundaries.

Look, a man seeking a genuine connection understands that sex isn’t the ultimate goal because it’s too easy to get.

After understanding you, winning your heart, and forming a connection with you, he will potentially be able to marry you.

These men won’t engage in explicit conversations on social or dating apps, they’re always after meaningful connections.

Sign #4 that a Masculine Energy Man Likes You In Dating is That He Won’t Make You Feel Rushed

I’ve had my Coaching clients tell me, “Sarah, this person mentioned how I always seem so positive and cheerful, which feels a bit unusual if they’re trying to get my attention”.

Believe me when I tell you this dear reader, a masculine energy man won’t rush you to get more information.

Yes, they are eager for more details and would love to ask about what you do, where you live, and all of that…

But they wouldn’t purposely make you feel rushed or pushed.

If you’re confident about setting your limits, most good men will happily respect what you’re comfortable with at that moment.

Sign #5 that a masculine energy man likes you in dating is he won’t insist on everything being exactly equal.

There’s something I found out to be really cool about masculine energy men – they enjoy being the guy in the situation.

Now here’s what I mean,

They’re always happy to do things like pulling out chairs, opening doors, and paying for the bill.

I think this is very important because it shows he’s ready to put in efforts and not drain you up.

For all you amazing women out there doing great in your work, you might have unintentionally taught yourself to think you need to be an equal partner in everything.

But remember, letting the guy take the lead can be super romantic and make a whole lot of change in your dating life.

Sometimes, the confusion in dating happens because we women don’t realize that a masculine energy man isn’t bothered by our wishes.

If you say you like it more when the man takes the lead, a masculine energy man will respond positively.

So, if you’re searching for a masculine energy man, avoid those not ready for commitment.

Look out for a man that is genuinely interested in you and wanting to build a meaningful connection.

So if you’re ready to get started, click here!

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