Dating Advice

The Dangers of being Overly Attentive to your Man in a Relationship

Are you a single woman who often feels too understanding with guys you date? 

I mean, Do you put up with not-so-great actions or accept less than you deserve because you sympathize with the men you’re dating? 

Or do you find yourself making excuses for a man’s worst behavior?

If you nodded yes, then you’re not alone. 

Being too understanding is something many single women face. It’s crucial to notice it and let it go because it might stop you from finding a strong, healthy man who’s ready to support you.

Here’s what I mean by being too understanding

It means consistently prioritizing and accommodating your man’s feelings, needs, and actions to an excessive degree. 

While understanding and empathy are crucial in a relationship, being overly accommodating may lead to neglecting your own needs, setting aside your boundaries, and tolerating behaviors that are not in your best interest.

You might feel sorry for him, and want to help, even if it means sacrificing your own needs. You might accept his excuses for bad behavior, settling for less than you deserve. This pattern, especially in early dating, can keep you stuck with guys who won’t meet your standards. 

I find these behaviors common among my coaching clients after deciding to work with me.

For example, One of my coaching clients Hannah keeps seeing a guy who often cancels dates or doesn’t even show up. She always thought of giving him more chances after coming up with flimsy excuses all the time. And this keeps hindering Hannah from having a great dating experience.

But, in the past, she stayed in that relationship because she cared a lot about her partner who was still working on his career and money. Unfortunately, she ignored her own need for a real commitment. 

Today, Hannah is enjoying her best time with a high-quality man who loves and cherishes her. 

That is the kind of transformation you should expect from my coaching program Captive him helps 

Because games change, situations change and people change.

It’s crucial to notice when you’re putting too much of yourself into understanding a guy and to do things to stop it. This doesn’t necessarily mean you should act distant or be super strict with your dating, but instead, focus on what you need and the standards you have and avoid overly attentiveness 

Useful tips to avoid over-attentiveness in dating include:

1. Set clear boundaries and stick to them.

2. Prioritize your own needs without feeling guilty.

3. Recognize when someone’s behavior is not okay, and don’t always give too much benefit of the doubt.

4. Prioritize open and honest communication with the people you date.

That being said, if you want to know how to bring positive energy into your life, find your perfect match, or enhance your current relationship, then you might want to get into Love & Money Academy.

This is my private coaching program that will help you heal your emotional wounds and attract an emotionally healthy man so you can thrive in both love and money. 

Click here to take the first step in your love transformation.

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