Dating Advice

Spending Precious Time with the Wrong Man? Here’s How to Know.

It’s no longer news that women waste so much precious time on men thinking they’re the “right one” which later turned out to be the opposite.

Then you start thinking “Is this relationship going anywhere?” Or “Have I been wasting my time with this man?”

If you find yourself doing all the giving in your relationship and not getting much in return, occasional moments like this are normal. However, it’s important to know when enough is enough.

Coach Sarah will be showing how to do that in this article, and you’ll start to understand as you read on.

So let’s get right into it.

There were times in your past relationships when you thought you found the perfect guy, but he ended up being wrong, just like the others.

As a love coach, I’m here to help you make better choices, avoid wasting time on the wrong guys, and invest in a highly masculine man. It’s not always easy, but the rewards are worth it. Let me share what truly matters in a man…

Oh! that reminds me

Yesterday, I messaged an old colleague on Facebook. Nicki (not real name) is a delightful person whom I’ve known since early childhood — attractive, intelligent, fun, successful, a wife and a mother of 3.

I asked her how everything was going with her family. As a girly thing, you know…   

After a few sighs, Nicki told me that she’s getting divorced.

“Why babes? What’s wrong?” I asked in surprise.

It turned out that her husband cheated on her multiple times — and she’s furious.

Now she’s questioning everything about her relationship. Wondering if she’ll ever find love again. Most of all, she questions her judgment, a tough thing for someone smart.

From what I gathered about Nicki and her husband, she overlooked his selfish side for the other flashy qualities. 

Quick question: Have you ever done something similar? I guess so. And I bet you’re better off without him. Trust me.

Now, the real question here is how can you tell if someone is a good or bad match?

So, if Nicki wonders where things went wrong with her husband…

…or if you’ve been struggling to understand why you keep choosing the wrong partners…

The answer is right here.

You’ve been putting your focus on the less important stuff, Honestly.

Because what truly lasts is CHARACTER.

Imagine if everything was taken away from you. I mean your body, job, and self-worth. Then you’ll only be left with your mind, heart, spirit, kindness, generosity, and sense of humor. Beyond looks, home, career, and money, it’s what’s WITHIN that truly matters. 

Honestly, if life throws unexpected challenges your way, you want a man that will stand by you, supporting and caring for decades.

That’s exactly what character means.

There are plenty of great guys that can make your heart pound faster, but they’re not worth much if they don’t prioritize you. 

When dating, look beyond money, or how fly he looks. Value the guy who keeps his word, is honest, patient, and shows you’re really important to him.

Because if he doesn’t make you a priority now, he never will. Choose the man who loves you for who you are inside—because that is what lasts.

So, if you want to know how to bring positive energy into your life, find your perfect match, or enhance your current relationship, then you might want to get into the Cherished & Committed Program

This is my private coaching program that will help you heal your emotional wounds and attract an emotionally healthy man so you can thrive in both love and money. 

Click here to take the first step in your love transformation.

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